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Ebook Gary Mavko - The Rock Physics Handbook : Tools for Seismic Analysis of Porous Media MOBI, PDF, DJV


The Rock Physics Handbook addresses the relationships between geophysical observations and the underlying physical properties of rocks. It distills a vast quantity of background theory and laboratory results into a series of concise chapters that provide practical solutions to problems in geophysical data interpretation. This expanded second edition presents major new chapters on statistical rock physics and velocity-porosity-clay models for clastic sediments. Other new and expanded topics include anisotropic seismic signatures, borehole waves, models for fractured media, poroelastic models, and attenuation models. This new edition also provides an enhanced set of appendices with key empirical results, data tables, and an atlas of reservoir rock properties extended to include carbonates, clays, gas hydrates, and heavy oils. Supported by a website hosting MATLAB routines for implementing the various rock physics formulas, this book is a vital resource for advanced students and university faculty, as well as petroleum industry geophysicists and engineers., The science of rock physics addresses the relationships between geophysical observations and the underlying physical properties of rock, such as composition, porosity, and pore fluid content. The Rock Physics Handbook distills a vast quantity of background theory and laboratory results into a series of concise, self-contained chapters, which can be quickly accessed by those seeking practical solutions to problems in geophysical data interpretation. In addition to the wide range of topics presented in the First Edition (including wave propagation, effective media, elasticity, electrical properties, and pore fluid flow and diffusion), this Second Edition also presents major new chapters on granular material and velocity-porosity clay models for clastic sediments. Other new and expanded topics include anisotropic seismic signatures, non-linear elasticity, wave propagation in thin layers, borehole waves, models for fractured media, poroelastic models, attenuation models, and cross-property relations between seismic and electrical parameters. This new edition also provides an enhanced set of appendices with key empirical results, data tables, and an atlas of reservoir rock properties expanded to include carbonates, clays, and gas hydrates. Supported by a website hosting Matlab� routines for implementing the various rock physics formulas presented in the book, the Second Edition of The Rock Physics Handbook is a vital resource for advanced students and university faculty, as well as in-house geophysicists and engineers working in the petroleum industry. It will also be of interest to practitioners of environmental geophysics, geomechanics, and energy resources engineering interested in quantitative subsurface characterization and modeling of sediment properties. Book jacket., This fully updated text addresses the relationships between geophysical observations and the underlying physical properties of rocks. It distills a vast quantity of background theory and laboratory results into a series of concise chapters that provide practical solutions to problems in geophysical data interpretation. Now in its second edition, major new chapters are presented on statistical rock physics and velocity-porosity-clay models for clastic sediments. Other new and expanded topics include anisotropic seismic signatures, borehole waves, models for fractured media, poroelastic models, and attenuation models. Also new to this edition is an enhanced set of appendices with key empirical results, data tables, and an atlas of reservoir rock properties - extended to include carbonates, clays, gas hydrates, and heavy oils. Supported by a website hosting MATLAB routines for implementing the various rock physics formulas, this book is a vital resource for advanced students and university faculty, as well as petroleum industry geophysicists and engineers.

Gary Mavko - The Rock Physics Handbook : Tools for Seismic Analysis of Porous Media download ebook FB2, EPUB, TXT

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