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Download ebook Silvia Carlorosi - Cine-Aesthetics New Directions in Film and Philosophy: A Grammar of Cinepoiesis : Poetic Cameras of Italian Cinema in TXT, DJV


A Grammar of cinepoiesis is a theoretical and practical guide to cinepoiesis, or the cinema of poetry, as it appears in the filmography of Federico Fellini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Michelangelo Antonioni, and the more recent Franco Piavoli and Matteo Garrone. The poetic nature of abstract and emblematic images found in various visual media lies in the way they speak beyond their apparent limits and stimulate connections on a subjective level. Silvia Carlorosi discusses how the cinema of poetry has established a space for itself by exchanging the productive and industrial apparatus for the poetic stimulus of a sensory experience in a contemporary landscape. A Grammar of Cinepoiesis will be of interest to scholars in the fields of film studies, critical and cinematic theory, and communication studies. Book jacket., Cinepoiesis, or cinema of poetry, strikes us as a strange combination, a phrase we initially read as an oxymoron. Poetry is often associated with the abstract and the evocative, while cinema suggests the concrete and the visible. Yet, various visual media use strong and often contradictory images, whose symbolic force and visual impact stimulate the public s attention. Abstract and emblematic images surround us, and the poetic nature of these images lies in the way they speak beyond their apparent limits and stimulate connections on a subjective level. A prosaic world like the contemporary one, though, no longer seems to hold a place for poetry. We are inundated by the need to tell and to be told, the need to build our lives through narratives. But it is precisely here, in this contemporary landscape, that the cinema of poetry attempts to establish a space for itself, exchanging the productive and industrial apparatus for the poetic stimulus of a sensory experience. A Grammar of Cinepoiesis is a theoretical and practical guide to the cinema of poetry, to its tools and forms. It examines how the language of a cinema of poetry works both in its theoretical foundations and in its modes of representation, and how it takes shape in the exemplary practice of Italian authors such as Pier Paolo Pasolini, Michelangelo Antonioni, Federico Fellini, and the more recent Franco Piavoli and Matteo Garrone."

Cine-Aesthetics New Directions in Film and Philosophy: A Grammar of Cinepoiesis : Poetic Cameras of Italian Cinema by Silvia Carlorosi read online ebook PDF, TXT

Schroeder Rodríguez weaves close readings of approximately fifty paradigmatic films into a lucid narrative history that is rigorous in its scholarship and framed by a compelling theorization of the multiple discourses of modernity.Hardback. 284 pages.Fraser adopts a cognitive approach to ethnicity, asking how people understand themselves as Minangkabau through talempong and how different styles of the genre help create and articulate ethnic sentiments that is, how they help people sound Minangkabau.", Scholarship on the musical traditions of Indonesia has long focused on practices from Java and Bali, including famed gamelan traditions, at the expense of the incredible diversity of other musical forms within the archipelago.A perfect example of Hollywood cinema at its best, it is an engaging piece of entertainment as well as a fascinating meditation on the nature of the film itself.Lonely Planet's mission is to enable curious travellers to experience the world and to truly get to the heart of the places they find themselves in.Performed by over 65 actors playing 198 characters with 150,000 sound effects.